Patriots! The golden hour is at hand! Glory awaits! Join us in a victorious ritual to mark this auspicious moment not a five second’s hate but a ten second’s hate!
Our constitution and way of life defended now and forever!
You give up so few freedoms to gain so many. Give thanks to your protectors who give more than you ever will.
Victory! Victory! Victory! When Churchill (a man whose sordid life will not be detailed here) coined the phrase V for Victory he faced an evil (albeit not nearly as evil as he lead on) enemy— a threat beyond measure (to the corrupt liberal establishment). But even Churchill would balk at the demonic ghoulish impulses plaguing modern politics! Even he who spoke so passionately about fighting on the beaches could not imagine what President Trump has endured to bring us this shining new epoch!
Indeed friends, though our enemies talk of Manifesting through intention they never speak of higher things like God and Destiny! How lucky are we to see the blessed Doctrine of Free Thought overtake and skewer the wretched specter of Wokeness! Truly only the birthday of Free Thought Pioneer Martin Luther King Junior blessed inventor of colorblindness and hater of white liberals, a man of Christ could mark such a monumentous occasion! Out of concern for the elderly and infirm the Good Trump even offered to hold the ceremony indoors!
Oh to be there and see the face of Obama dear patriots! We need thank him in jest no longer! In a matter of days truth and peace have been restored to our republic (not a democracy). We as Americans have the God given privilege right and honor to conform perfectly to the gender we were assigned at birth! Can I get a yee haw!? Can I get an Amen!? Can I get a Yee Haw Amen!!??
This glorious right is enshrined in one of our fearless and all but infallible leader’s first executive orders! It lays bare the insipid torrent of baseless propaganda that the very idea of “gender” is built on. From henceforth it declares that sex shall be immutable and defined by gametes as is consistent with Free Thought. It rips the seems of gender ideology’s internal inconsistency by remarking that while gender and sex may not be equivalent in the activists’ minds it’s very interesting that people with one spiritual or mental “gender” might feel the need to change their body if bodies and biology do not matter! Such a thorough obliteration of Censored Thought and yet They have dared assert that biology contradicts itself! It is truly a devious person who never admits that they contradict themselves while always searching for how others might do so! The Wokoid mob might try to argue that they never said the body and biology do not matter but look at this blasphemy!!!!
Do you feel the rage!? That is your heart telling you you are in danger of straying from the Truth! That is Free Thought in action! Keep those who have had this part of them quashed in your prayers and know that in your heart you will always know the truth. Gametes and Chromosomes have never mattered; do not get bogged down in their games. All that matters is male and female! That is all that is real! We need no definitions. Their game is about control. Do not play it!
Race relations were another exciting front though the Censors were out in force and this must be addressed. Free Thought must be defended. We must always be declaring and debating and questioning and mocking and arguing and shouting to keep Free Thought alive! This is nuance to have doubt about anything we know is not the truth, to stick ardently to the path of Free Thought by stamping out all Censored Thought Propaganda. We must talk about Elon Musk.
Musk’s aberrant gesture (though should it be so controversial in the first place? Methinks not) has been taken as a symbol of the default stance of Free Thought seekers everywhere! This is because of the lack of cognitive flexibility present in those caught in the snare of Censored Thought! The Censorious Ones divide things into stark categories, white or black, “cis” (we publish this slur merely for its demonstrative value) or trans (which has essentially come to mean holy), good or bad. To live without nuance leaves them adrift in a muddled sea of confused hate always lashing out at the most innocuous of raised arms. Indeed how often are random examples of Free Thinkers cherry picked and used as some sign of a conspiracy by these devils!? It boggles the mind— truly. And when we play their game and sniff out their true intentions with brave Free Thought Warriors like Chaya Raichik posting their bilious hate for all to see in a brave effort to counter censorship they accuse US THE ADHERENTS OF FREE THOUGHT of creating such a vile tactic!!! If you are on the fence about Musk (you are in violation of the Doctrine of Free Thought) consider that the AntiDefemation League a once robust organization made great again in their efforts to rid themselves of Censored Thought by supporting Israel have defended him ardently! Only someone truly censorious would start looking for something as damning as a “nazi” (Roman) salute. Gaze upon our glorious hero.
Returning to Trump’s defense of Free Thought.
They live among us. Much like the cannibalistic alien imposters in the game hit game “Among Us” you may not recognize the illegal alien when you see them. They take jobs, they take virginities belonging to American men, they take lives and they buy all of the Takis at the gas station. Some will say they journeyed all the way from Nicaragua and that may be true but there’s one border they all come through. Mexico. Tales like Breaking Bad and Sicario do not scratch the evils of the land below. Indeed it is closer to hell not just in being south but in every other conceivable way. They are not sending their best. They are sending dog eating rapists. Above all they are sending Mexicans. We are under attack.
All of this is true common sense that we can know simply through intuitive reason but the wiles of the feminine liberal mind demand something more concrete because their tiny brains cannot comprehend the abstract. They say that these “mass deportations” (must we call them that instead of what they really are? Returning to normal?) may threaten naturalized American citizens and people applying for citizenship. That they are inhumane and will harm our economy by removing service workers. Do not fall for their lies. Americans picked their own crops (with assistance from contracted labor) once and we shall do so again. We. Do. Not. Need. Them.
Remember Homogeneity is Diversity. Preemption is self-defense. Presumption is evidence. These Free Thought Truths will help you guard your heart against the evils of liberals, Censored Thought Extremists, and Mexicans.
Praise be to God.
Thank you for reading and in so doing being one of the few sane people left in this world. Remember Think Freely and We Love You.